Thursday, September 11, 2008

The word "robot" was introduced in 1992 for describing an automated email-answering system which used to give out requested conference or job information. We do not need this mail-answering system thanks to www. The robot can now safely retire.

Robot is an electromechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic device or combination thereof, designed to replace people in the industry, dangerous environments, etc. The current worldwide term was invented by Czech writer Karel Capek and his brother Josef and first used in the play "R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) published in 1920. Before the start of actual production of robots it was is natural to think that robots will look similar to people. Industrial robots never resemble people, except when the human like design is one of the primary goals. Robots respond to operator's commands, can run on pre-compiled program or follow a set of common guidelines with the help of artificial intelligence technology. These tasks can help or even replace human labor in manufacturing, construction, and dealing with hazardous or heavy materials unsafe for humans. The robot usually consists of a mechanical part and a part which controls the mechanical part, which in turn receives signals from the sensor parts. Mechanical part of the robot is divided into manipulation system and the system of movement. Manipulation parts of robots are analogs of human hands. Manipulation include moving parts of two types - links for the progressive movement, and links for angular movement. Software control is the most common type of control system for manipulating robot parts. Such robots lack sensors and their movements are pre-defined and regularly repeated. Intellectual control systems are based on artificial intelligence techniques. Robots with adaptive control system are equipped with a sensor parts. Signals received by the sensors are analyzed and depending on the outcome, the decision on further action is taken, like moving on to the next stage and so on. Industrial robots are important components of automated flexible manufacturing systems designed to increase productivity. Unfortunately, complete and cost-effective automation of production has not yet been achieved. Robots working in special conditions (high radiation, pressure, temperature, underwater operations, space) can, without risking lives of humans, carry out various operations such as research, rescue and anti-terrorism activities. The first idea of artificial creatures dates back to the ancient Greek myth of Kadme, who killed a dragon, scattered his teeth on the ground and plowed the area. Obedient soldiers grew from those teeth. Another example is the ancient Greek myth of Pygmalion, who breathed life into the statue of Galatea. The first drawing of humanoid robot was done by Leonardo da Vinci around 1495. Leonardo's works found in the 1950s contained the detailed drawings of a mechanical knight that could sit, spread hands, move its head and open a helmet. Is not known whether Leonardo tried to build an actual robot. One of the first examples of industrial mass production of robots was a mechanical dog "Aibo" by Sony corporation (discontinued in 2005.) In September 2005 Mitsubishi corporation started selling the first humanoid robot to the public. The robot is called "Wakamaru" and can learn and understand some phrases, help with certain secretary tasks and act as a security guard monitoring private premises. Cleaning robots are gaining great popularity these days. As a matter of fact they are mostly automatic vacuum cleaners, which can clean an apartment and return to recharging place without human assistance. Robot prices start from about $2,000 for a functional and autonomous model.

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